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CRITICAL SUPPORT FOR UKRAINE: Offering safe access to housing and vital resources, enabling access to timely information and ensuring health services for the chronically ill, our tools have offered critical support for over 2,5 million refugees. Find out more.

Olivia Vereha

Co-Founder & Director of Product

Core Team

Olivia has over 10 years of expertise in delivering technology in the public sector. She is the author and leader of the first higher education training programme for citizen-experience design, training generations of students in sustainable digital transformation for both the non-profit sector and public institutions. She is currently leading the team behind the digital infrastructure provided by Commit Global, coordinating a large group of senior UX designers, researchers and developers. She is currently pursuing her PhD on digital public services at Babes - Bolyai University in Romania.

She has been invited as a keynote speaker on the role of technology for good to a variety of high profile conferences including GitHub Universe, Stockholm Internet Forum, CPDP Brussels and Google as well as at several TEDx events.

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