Ana is a UX/UI designer working to create products that meet actual human needs. She aims at addressing social concerns with design and technology, in fields that are currently deprived of effective tech solutions. Design has been her hobby for almost 10 years. Three years ago, after graduating Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering, she decided to follow her greater passion and start working as a designer. She believes the knowledge and experience she gained in technology development during her student years have proven valuable in her work as a designer.
Ana has always had enthusiasm for building something for the better. She dedicated many hours to volunteering over the years, from coordinating challenging coding competitions and creating learning opportunities for students in the tech field, to participating in activities regarding environmental issues or education for vulnerable groups. She considers that trying to do good for others has also been an investment in herself - while volunteering, she learned about herself and developed skills such as project management, teamwork, fundraising, marketing and design. At Code for Romania/Commit Global, Ana is focusing on designing critical tools for humanitarian assistance and civil society. She believes her current job is a perfect combination of her interests: design, technology and social change.