Get in touch with our team
Civic Tech Makers
If you represent a Civic Tech organisation and you want to get in touch with us to discuss about your solution and about how it can get included in the Civic Infrastructure we are building, please gat in touch using the form below. Our team will get back to you as fast as possible.
Civil Society Organisations
If you are the representative of a CSO and you want to get in touch with Commit Global please use the form below. We are happy to discuss ideas and to explore collaboration proposals together. Drop us a message and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Media and journalists
If you are a journalist, a media representative, a reporter or a blogger please use the form below to get in touch with us. Our communications team will be more than glad to assist with answers to any questions or interview request in the shortest time possible.
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Commit Global is based in The Hague, Netherlands.
You may find us at: Lange Voorhout 86, 2514EJ, The Hague
email: info@commitglobal.org
RSIN: 865749139