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Empowering civil society in Armenia

Explore insights from Commit Global meeting with Democracy Development Foundation (DDF), discussing civil society capabilities in Armenia and collaboration.

Author: Commit Global

Yesterday, we engaged in a dynamic discussion with the Democracy Development Foundation (DDF), a spin-off of the Open Society Foundations in Yerevan, Armenia. Our team, presently operating in Armenia, brought forth valuable insights and perspectives, contributing to an impactful dialogue on strengthening civil society's pivotal role and capabilities. The discussion focused on the various challenges that civil society is currently grappling with and explored strategies to enhance its influence and capabilities.

Our colleagues, Ana Cojocaru (Assistant Director for Peace and Protection) and Costel Bercuș (Director of Civic Infrastructure), delved into the intricacies of bolstering civil society's vital role in society, especially in the context of Armenia. The dialogue emphasized the importance of empowering civil society organizations to effectively address the pressing issues and obstacles they face. By fostering collaboration and strategic partnerships, we hope to forge a more cohesive and impactful civil society that can drive positive change and contribute to a flourishing democracy.

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